Be energy-smart with energy efficient home improvement projects
Efficiency home improvement projects are an energy-smart choice that can result in financial savings for individuals and communities.
Improving your home’s energy efficiency with a heat pump, added insulation or other weatherization measures are energy-smart choices as they can enhance your comfort and cut down on energy costs.
Heat pumps are a popular option for upgrading heating systems. They are more efficient than other heat sources and are a great option when upgrading zonal or forced-air electric heat.
Heat pumps also serve as a clean, efficient alternative to a natural gas furnace. Low operating costs and improved indoor air quality make them an excellent choice for your home.
Investing in new windows or additional insulation can enhance a home’s thermal performance, keeping it cozy in the winter and cool in the summer.
Weatherizing older homes is an especially effective strategy that can lead to substantial energy savings over time.
Most utility providers offer rebates or incentives for homeowners who install qualifying efficiency upgrades, making energy-smart choices even more accessible.
If you receive your power from a consumer-owned utility, such as Salem Electric, program information may be found on their website. If you are served by a regulated utility such as Portland General Electric, you can review available incentives at
Beyond the immediate cost savings, making your home energy-smart can have long-term benefits by reducing the strain on the power grid. Reducing overall energy demand helps improve reliability and stability, especially during peak usage periods or adverse weather conditions.
Improvements can range from big to small, but by implementing even little changes, you can improve your comfort, reduce energy waste and lower your electric bill.
By taking advantage of available resources and incentives you can save money while contributing to a greener and more resilient future for our communities.
(Jacob Knudsen is with Salem Electric)
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